Pricing with 3 Key controller
Quick Overview
Model - ANNEALER 120 volt, inside dimensions: 24" wide x 8" deep x 6" high, fires to 1700°F
The Annealer has two doors for accessibility lined with heavy fiber for reducing heat loss. It is designed with the element and thermocouple in the top of the kiln so that a mandrel can be inserted into the kiln without the danger of hitting an electrical part. Wood on the door handles keeps them cool allowing the kiln operator to open the doors without having to wear gloves. Multiple doors provide various pieces to be annealed at different times and optional double doors on the back of the kiln are available giving access to the front and back of the kiln.
Model comes equipped with pilot light, attached frame, stainless steel jacket, and Bartlett 3 Key electronic controller. Data is entered by scrolling through the up and down arrows for the desired ramp/hold programming.
Upgrade to the 12 key digital Bartlett RTC-1000 controller for more ramp-hold user programs and multiple features including delay start, preheat, skip step and many more for precise firings every time. Messages and Information are available for reviewing a firing profile before or during the firing, and viewing the current segment the firing is in. Other options include quartz viewing window, Type S thermocouple, castors, vent and much more!
Ceramic fiber blanket is used for shelving in the Annealer and available by the square foot in 1" and 2" thickness.